I was born in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil in 1986 and finished my Technical in Electronics course at CEFET-MG - Federal Center of Technological Education in 2003. In the middle of 2004 I started the Electrical Engineering course at UFMG - Federal University of Minas Gerais.
In 2005 I started working at Atan Systems developing software to monitor networks and computers. After 2 years I started working at the Biomedical Engineering Lab of UFMG, being a member of NEPEB. During this time, I was involved in researches related to embedded systems.
In 2008 I went to ESIEE - Superior School of Electronics and Electrotechnics Engineers, in France, as an international exchange student in computer science.
Previously I was a software engineer at IBM’s Linux Technology Center as a member of the Linux on POWER Toolchain team.
I am currently a software engineer at Red Hat, working on the Platform Tools team.
If you'd like to get more information about me, you can visit my Curriculum at Lattes Platform or at LinkedIn.
You can also contact me by email: tuliom at quites dot com dot br
- Technology, in general
- Operating Systems
- Low level programming
- Parallel computing
- Embedded systems
- Photography